Board Members

CLPOA BOARD August 2019 Back row: Gibson, Hagen, Fraser, Wilson, DeRensis, Brennan
Front row: daSilva, Hoover, Forster, Thomas. absent : Mirabito
- Martha (Marty) Hoover, President
- Brian Brennan, Vice President
- Sharon Wilson, Secretary, Newsletter Editor
- Helen Hagen, Treasurer
- Mike Anzlowar
- Nick DeRensis
- David Forster
- Colin Fraser
- Elizabeth Gibson
- Mary Leigh Thomas
- Denny Mirabito
BY- LAWS (see PDF)
APPROVED 7/26/73 - REVISED 8/4/96
History of Chenango Lake Property Owners Association
The CLPOA is a nonprofit incorporated organization. It was first formed in 1948 by a group of 7 property owners to promote cooperation among residents, and address concerns regarding traffic, policing, taxes, marine craft, and wild life. The organization has been reorganized several times, and its bylaws updated to reflect changing circumstances. Although CLPOA does not have any enforcement powers, it has represented concerns of residents to the legal entities that impact Chenango Lake. CLPOA has worked with the City of Norwich (which owns the WATER of Chenango Lake), and the Town of New Berlin (which governs the properties around the lake.)
Most recently in 2012, CLPOA polled property owners regarding a proposed septic system, and relayed that information to the Town of New Berlin. The majority of owners did not want the proposed system,and when faced with a large group of property owners at a public meeting, the Town decided not to go forward with the plan.
For the last several years CLPOA has, in cooperation with NYS DEC, tested the lake water at a significant cost, to monitor its quality. Recently the City of Norwich has been covering the cost of the testing as we willingly share the yearly results with them.
For over 30 years CLPOA put marker buoys in around the lake to indicate the 100 foot "no wake" zone for motorized craft and to protect swimmers. In 2016 we became aware that there was a liability issue involved, and the buoys were given away.
CLPOA also maintains name signs at the corners of the lake roads. In 2018 CLPOA was able to place an informational poster regarding invasive species, and another sign listing the regulations of the Town of New Berlin at the lake access.
Since 2015 CLPOA, acting on the wishes of many members, has been working to reduce the Canada geese population. Canada geese are a nonnative species and may be gradually reduced by putting oil on their eggs in the spring. CLPOA volunteers have performed this task.
CLPOA hosts a spring social meeting, usually in early June, and an annual members meeting in August. At the meetings members voice ideas and concerns. In August they also share a meal.